
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

My first post for Bake and Cook Weekly!

Hey, everyone! I'm CoolCat! And I will be doing savory recipe's every Tuesday! Okay, so my first recipe is going to be a recipe that my Nana came up with 12 year's ago. So this recipe is a Garlic Sandwich! Here's what you need to make it!

One loaf of fresh not frozen garlic bread. (It's best to go to the Wal-Mart bakery for this)

Your choice of deli lunch meat. You could use chicken, turkey, ham, roast beef, anything you like! We use Cajun turkey lunch meat.

Your choice of cheese. We use either all American or Italian cheese (It's SO good!)

Sliced onions (optional)

Then your choice of toppings! We use fresh tomatoes, lettuce, pickles, and mayo!

So here's how you make it!

You open up your loaf of garlic bread and layer on your lunch meat.

Then if you like onions you layer your onions on top of the lunch meat.

Then you layer your cheese on top of your onions.

Then you put it in the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes or until crispy on 350.

Then as your garlic sandwich is cooking you can slice up your tomatoes, rinse your lettuce, and get your pickles ready!

Then when its finished you just pile on all your toppings and enjoy!

ALSO: You may also serve this up with chips and dip, pretzels and guacamole, or pita chips with humus!

I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you guy's in my next post!


  1. Congratulations on your first post CoolCat! I've made Garlic Sandwiches before, and a helpful tip is if you can't go to the store and get garlic bread is to get a hotdog bun, split it in half, spread melted butter mixed with finely chopped garlic on your bun and toast it in the broiler or oven for only a minute or less in the broiler and about 5 minutes in the oven. Hope this helps people!

  2. Thank you for that helpful tip for the people who can't make it to the store! And thanks for the congrats!


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