
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Baking Tuesday: Boxed Brownies Revamped!

Hey, everyone! CoolCat here with another post! And for this week Graciepopstar91 and I have switched roles this week! She did a savory recipe and I will be doing a baking recipe! I have to be honest and admit I don't know how to bake very well. So this recipe might be good for those who can't bake very well also! Here's what you need to make it!

2 boxes of brownie mix with chocolate chips and a Hershey fudge pouch.

1 bag of Hershey chocolate chips.

1 medium to large bag of whole pecans.

*Plus also any items the back of the brownie box calls for*

13'' by 9'' inch glass baking dish.

Here's how you make it!

First you follow the directions on the back of the box.

Then you mix in as many extra chocolate chips as you want.

Then you chop up the pecans into smaller pieces then mix it in with everything else.

Then you bake it as normal! What's great about this recipe is that it makes the batter like a molten lava cake! It's super rich and decadent. The more chocolate chips you put in the more chocolatey it will be. And also if you over cook it the chocolate can become hard!

I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Stay tuned for next weeks recipe!

1 comment:

  1. Very well done! How do you get these recipes?



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